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Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 15:14

A maul occurs when three or more players, including the ball carrier and at least one other player from either side, are in contact together.

What makes the maul different to the ruck is that the ball is not on the ground but in hand.

But like the ruck, the offside line is the "hindmost" foot of the last team-mate bound to the


Players can only join in from behind that team-mate. Anyone who comes in from the sides will be penalised by the referee.

Players joining the maul must have their heads or shoulders no lower than their hips and must have at least one arm bound to a team-mate.

The team not in possession of the ball cannot deliberately collapse the maul. This is for safety reasons.

Penalties can also be given for attempting to drag players out of the maul.

However this can be allowed if players are legitimately dragging out members of the opposition who have ended up on the wrong side.


One of the infringements referees have clamped down on in the past few years has been obstruction in the maul, or "truck and trailer" as it has been called.

This is when a player acts as a screen, blocking tacklers from reaching the ball carrier.

However players can circumvent this law if two or more team-mates bind around the ball together and move forwards.

As long as the tackler has a fair opportunity to contest the ball, the referee will allow the maul to continue.


If the maul stops moving forwards the referee will often shout "use it or lose it" to the team in possession.

This means they must pass the ball within a five-second time period.

If they do not the referee will call a scrum and the team not in possession will be given the feed.

However if a player has caught the ball from a kick-off or a drop-out and is drawn in the middle of a maul inside their own 22m line, the referee will award the scrum to their side if the ball has not come out in time.

A maul ends when the ball is passed out or is on the ground.

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 15:13

Tackling is the only way of legally bringing down your opponent in rugby.

But there are certain laws on how to tackle and if these are not adhered to, penalties will follow.

When you tackle an opponent, you cannot make contact above the shoulders. This is for safety reasons.

The referee will instantly give a penalty if he sees a high tackle, and a few stronger words may follow if the challenge is deemed dangerous.

Expect a yellow card and a spell in the sin-bin or a red card and instant dismissal for more serious offences.

Other laws govern what can and cannot happen once a tackle has been made.


Once a player in possession of the ball has been brought to ground by a tackler, they must release the ball immediately.

They can do this either by passing off to a team-mate or placing the ball on the ground.

The tackler must release the player they have just brought down and roll away from them and the ball.

If the referee believes the tackler has not rolled away quick enough, he will award a penalty to the opposition.

The same is true for the player who has been tackled. If they do not release the ball immediately and roll away from it, they will concede a penalty.

Referees are strict on this, because players can often try to slow the ball up for the opposition, helping their side to re-group in defence.


If they are quick enough, a team-mate of the tackler can pick up the ball from the contact area as long as they are on their feet.

However as soon as a team-mate from the ball carrier's side comes into contact with that player and the ball is still on the ground, the tackle then becomes a ruck.

None of the tackler's team-mates can attempt to handle or pick up the ball once the ruck has formed.

However they can use their strength to drive over the team in possession and attempt to win the ball.


If a player has been tackled and their natural momentum takes them over the try-line and the ball is grounded, a try is awarded.

A player tackled near the goal-line can also reach out and attempt to touch the ball down for a try.

There are certain situations where tackles cannot be made.

If the ball carrier has been held by an opponent, but has not gone to ground, and a team-mate has bound onto them, a maul is formed.

At that point a tackle cannot be made for safety reasons.

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 15:11

Rugby is one of the few ball games where the ball cannot be passed forwards.

That means a player moving towards the opposition's dead ball line must pass the ball to a team-mate either along or behind an imaginary line running at right angles to the side of the pitch.

The same principle applies even when players are not passing the ball.

If they fail to catch or pick up the ball cleanly and it travels forward off a hand or arm and hits the ground or another player, it is called a knock-on.

The same applies if a player is tackled and the ball goes forward.

If a player fumbles the ball but catches it before it has hit the ground or another player, it is not a knock-on.

When a knock-on occurs, the referee will stop play and award a scrum to the team which has not knocked on.

If the ball is thrown forward at a line-out, a scrum is awarded 15 metres in from the touchline.

If the referee decides a player has intentionally knocked on or thrown the ball forward, a penalty is awarded to the other team.

And if the referee decides the other team would have scored a try if the intentional knock-on had not taken place, a penalty try is awarded.

The one exception to the knock-on rule is the charge-down.

If a player charges down the ball as an opponent kicks it, it is not a knock-on, even if the ball travels forward.

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 15:07

Uppdaterad: 2007-04-05*


En yta som motsvarar en normal handbolls plan. Kan spelas inom- eller utomhus.


5 spelare på plan samt 3 reserver, sk. ”flygande byte”, men endast när bollen är död. Utbytta spelare får bytas in igen senare under samma match.


Gruppspel: 2 x 5 minuter

Finalspel: 2 x 7 minuter


Spelet går ut på att erövra motståndarnas mark, vilket symboliseras genom att lägga ned bollen i motståndarnas försöksområde , detta kallas att göra försök. När detta sker får det anfallande laget 5 poäng.

Med att lägga ned bollen, menas att spelaren kontrollerat lägger ned bollen i försöksområdet, alltså inte släpper eller kastar ner bollen.


Spelet startas med att ett lag genomför ett avspel, vilket lag som skall börja avgörs genom lottning.

Efter ett försök, återstartas spelet med ett avspel från det laget som släppt in” försöket.

Alla avspel görs från mittpunkten.

Vid all form av spel med bollen, måste bollen spelas med händerna och passas bakåt eller sidledes.

Spelare får springa med och passa bollen utan att ha blivit touchad eller när spelare är touchad en ( 1 ) gång.

I touch får spelaren springa med bollen tills spelaren blir touchad två ( 2 ) gånger av en eller två motståndare.

Vid två ( 2 ) touch går bollen över till motståndarlaget. Så länge spelare är touchad en ( 1 ) gång får han/hon fortsätta att springa med eller passa bollen, spelaren får dock ej göra försök.

Samma försvarande spelare får dock ej "toucha" samma attackerande spelare två gånger i följd.

Om en spelare blir touchad och sedan passar bollen, försvinner den touch spelaren har och nästa gång spelaren får bollen kan spelaren göra försök, eller åter bli touchad en ( 1 ) gång, utan att det händer något.

Om ett lag under spel, tappar bollen – passar framåt – trampar på eller utanför sidlinjen – eller på något sätt vidrör bollen med fötterna. Skall bollen gå över” till det icke felande laget.

Spelet återstartas med ett avspel från det ställe där felet begicks.


Copyright © 2008 - VRS

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 13:33

Namn på övningen:

”full support inom 22 yards” ”in i köket!”


  • använd området inom 22 yards och markera med koner 3st områden som ni ser här med olika storlekar.
  • Det röda området är in goal område dvs. try Line. Eftersom ni kommer att starta ifrån 22yars mot in goal behöver ni ej markera in goalen vid den riktiga in goal linje!
  • Se till att starta med bara 3st spelare som ni ser i första rutan, där ”a” startar som bollbäraren och får automatiskt support av både ”c och b” ALLA 3ST MÅSTE KOMMA SAMTIDIGT TILL DET RÖDA OMRÅDET!
  • Sedan byter man bollbäraren sa att man hittar det naturliga support i olika situationer dvs. det spelar ingen roll vem är bollbäraren!
  • Det är viktigt att poängtera att ALLA 3st spelare skall komma till området med kontrollerad boll (utan att tappa den), skulle det ske då måste ni förklara att alla måste springa i samma takt dvs. lika snabbt eller lika långsamt. Men alla skall ankomma samtidigt.
  • Man kan öka takten med en annan grupp som startar ifrån den andra ända, dessa grupper möts i mitten MEN fokuserar sig på deras boll transport med full support.

Varianter till övningen:

1.      Använd 3 st spelare eller flera

2.      Passa bollen hela tiden tills man kommer fram till försöks område

3.      Bollbäraren kan kicka fram bollen tills försöksområde med full support

4.      2st lag tävlar mot varandra, det första laget som poserar bollen med full support bland alla 3st in goal vinner

5.      gör försöksområde ”mindre” kanske där alla måste röra en kon bara  

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  Copyright © 2007 Rugbycoachning /RR

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 13:19

  • work in pairs initially.
  • after a couple practices add a third player.straight out
  • 1 loop 22/1 switch  (fake)
  • 3/2 switch  (fake) 

 Picking up ball on ground by stepping over and scooping back andcatching ball in air beside you so if you drop it it goes backwardsand not very far like right at feet.

Get single file line and jogaround field doing this alternating everyone thru instead ofthe end of practice laps or as half of them.

Good pre-game warmup. 


  • work in pairs initially, then add a third person straight out
  • 1 loop 22/
  • 1 switch  (fake)
  • 3/2 switch  (fake)

 Scrumhalf length of field ball on ground.

 Rest of team in lineacting as flyhalf one at a time.

Catch ball run 10 yardsthen place ball on ground. 

2 people switch constantly for 40 yards  read the gap on uneven approaching defense.

3 pairs of defense or triples.

Make folks think and react to defensive openings, for instance the first set of defenders come up too quick onball carrier therefore his support player has a gap to hit andreceive ball.

The next set of defenders would come up too quick onsupport player, therefore the ball carrier has gap to run thru. thenext set of defenders all come up evenly and aggressively, thereforea grub kick would be a good option. pop/grub kick by oncoming defense if all defenders come up even andaggreessive.

If come up uneven take advantage of gap.

grub kick by oncoming defense to self and teamate.

50 yards of 2 folks pop and grubbing to selves and each other

two opposing backlines.

The one on defense stands approx where back ofscrum would be. the offense throws out ball and runs upfield withdefensestanding still first few times. next few times defense walks upfield.

Offense just has to run around them. next few times defesne jogs upfiled. the next time they come up full speed. eventually they comin up trying to tackle.  

Fullback/wing rotation.

scrumhalf and 3 backs.

defensively havewings and fullback.

the offense does various kicks, short andin middle of field, angled to left behind wing but in front of fullback,to right but in front of fullback, and deep behind them all.

depending on whoever receives kick the necessary rotating takes place and theattack is taken back up field.

after they get good at this then throw in varies field psotion situations on the affect that has onrotating, kicking ball back and placement of kicking it back.

also scrum posiiton and the location of pack should be considered on wherethey attack/kick.

the kicking team is going down on defense after theykick.  

INTRODUCING SCRUMMAGING                         

1) start with 1 on 1 pushing. concentrate on the following:   

flat back with head up  

thighs perpindicular to ground  

feet splayed  

push against each other with short choppy steps   

come together on the "crouch, touch, engage" call after about 2 practices of one on one:

2) start with front row. let go against each other.

introduce concept of tight   and loosehead.

after 2 practices of three on three scrummaging.

3) bring in second row                    

   BASICS OF GOOD SCRUMMAGING                       

  • get to mark early
  • bind early
  • get a good tight bind
  • low in front row
  • all 8 people in together
  • weight on opposition
  • pick out a cadence
  • putin on hookers handchannels in scrum        
  • 1) loosehead, wingforward, #8   2) loosehead, 2nd row,

 SOME RULES                          

1) scrums must stay stationary until ball is put in

2) before engaging each front row must be in crouched position with heads   and shoulders no lower than hips and are within one arms length of opponents   shoulders.

3) hookers must be in hooking position  

a) both feet on ground  

b) weight firmly on one foot with other ready to strike ball

4) all front row must have weight firmly on at least one foot for effective   forward shove.                                 


1) hooker may bind under or over arms of prop but, bind firmly bodies at or   below armpits. in 15's bind over arms of prop.

2) the props must bind similarly

3) the loosehead prop must bind inside the right arm of the opposing tighthead    or put his hand on his own left thigh.

 Some Lineout Drills

these build from most basic part of lineouts to eventually putit altogether.  just have a thrower and a jumper practice throw-ins inpairs with no opposition.

jumper leaps and grabs ball incenter of tunnel and brings down and turns to present. repeat say 10 to 15 times or so.

have a thrower and two opposing jumpers at 2 jumper position. nobinders or anyone else involved. throw down center.

 contest to see who gets most out of 10 throw-ins. do this say 3 sets of10. teah em to be aggressive goin after ball.

in other wordsif not thrown high and dropping into you grab it in front ofopposing jumper closer to sideline. if both get hands on it teach em to throw a hip into opposition to help jerk ball outof opponents hands and turn and present.

snatch the ball, grab itaggressively.

do previous drill with 2 binders only. set of ten reps.  add more binders.  binders and stripper.  add a 5 peel move to lineout.

when 5 strips from 2 jumper she rollsout and cuts up field close to sideline. i like this when you say within 25 yards of opponents goal line or closer.

go over if ball goes to ground and what you want to do then. anycommon situations when things dont go perfect in other words.

no opposition on the following. need to be able to think thru andunderstand whats goin on. get your full lineout and entire offensive team. start with a lineoutsay within 5 meters of your own goal line. explain your field position and the logic of what to do with ball. i.e kick for touch ideally and what ya do if cant kick for touch, i.e touch ball down in goal.

go out say 10 more meters. go thru same routine and explanation.  go to 22 meter line and go thru it.  go to a point where lineout is past 22 meter line BUT your backlineis still behind 22 meter line and go thru what you should be thinkingthen.  go to point where backline is just in front of 22 meter line. this getsinto a certain teams philosophy. if ya like to run it or play fieldposition. also things like whats score and how much time left in gameand how that my determine what you do at that point.  go to point closer to mid field. go thru same scenario.  continue on down field until you finish at opposing teams 5 meter line. thruout this exercise have the players throw in ball, strip etc andactually kick the thing or run thru gainline whichever is appropiate.actually doing it better than just walking thru.

 if your team having trouble at 2 and 4 jumper lineouts. some teamsmight have some real good folks there, practice throwin to 1 personin lineout. explain the 5 meter line business. you can practicethrowin and immediate ruck and/or throwin and turn and present. i would work on both. i like the turn and present optionbecause you might want to run a rolling maul off of it if you withinstriking distance of other teams goal line.

play a game thats pure line outs and 5 peels and rolling mauls. havesay a 10 meter long field 15 meters wide. always start at midfieldi.e 5 meter line. can set ball on lineout and try to ruck it in from5 meters. 5 peels, roliong mauls etc. you might also have a flyhalfon each team to boot ball out. good practice. key is to set ball andget it steady before thing comes out. alternate throwins. team that scores gets 5 points for try. defending team gets say 5 points forstealing throwin and getting ball out of bounds upfield. defending teamgets 1 point for preventing score. something like that.

play first team to 25 or something. switch players around. remeber all thethings you have as weapons:

1)throw in to 1 jumper and ruck

2)throw in to 1 jumper and roling maul

3)throw in to 2 set ball and ruck in

4) to 4 AND SAME


6) 2 OR 4 JUMPER the SCRUMHALF run back to short side of field you should have all these down before you do this. maybe let eachoffensive team huddle and call the lineout play sort of like americanfootball. make em pick it quick and do it. maybe alternate aroundthe group and let each person make a lineout call.

on the throwing to 2 or 4 jumper then drive into goal here is oneway i have seen taught that i liked but we never got that far withteam i had. kinda on down line in learning process i think. say you throw to 2 jumper, the #1 and #3 bind as per usual butthe 4, 5, 6, 7 folks bind facing OTHER direction, IOW towardyour scrumhalf. the folks facing backwards then, while bound in, rotate hinging at 4 person around behind the #1-3 folks andbind in to drive.

2 jumper places ball for the now formed ruck. i thought it was kinda neat.   through all the aforementioned drills in theory the whole team isinvolved and gets ideas on how to think in those spots as a team.


get in groups of 4-5. each with a ball at end of field.

jog ~40 yards out and back to start point .

first time turn and presentsecond time ball off hip presentation, third ruck, etc.beginnning practice warm-up.

mix in taking off hip and running and rolling maul and short quick tight area passes.

5 point drill,

1. short pass

 2. fake pass 

3. roll out 

4. stiff arm

5. ruck or maulat point 1, 2, 3, 4 have one defender. at point 5 have 3 or more.

another the 5 station drill

1. short pass

 2. on hip 

3. on hip maul                            

4. turn and maul 

5. ruckpoint 1, 2 have one defender. at other points have 3 or so. 

50 meter race.

teams of 6. maul every 10 meters then sprint back to start.

repeat 3-5 times.

losing team runs lap or does pushups.

maul/ruck game.

20 x 30 meter field.

two teams 6+.

 coach runs backand forth ACROSS mid-field with ball.

the two opposing teams are alsojogging back and forth ACROSS each half of field.

coach tosses ball tosomeoneon either team.

that player then turns upfield attempting to scorethru other team.

after maul or ruck is formed ball out quick andoffense attempts top get ball into end zone with close quartersball handling i.e rollingmaull, off hip, short passes, close areaswitching. if offense losses ball they do pushups or ?.

if they donot score they do ?

if defense gives up score then they do pushups or ?

the players all spread out. everyone doesnt need to be right onmidfield line. you want all possible variations of timing, angles etc. try to toss ball to each player on each time thru drill.

walking rugby.

10 x 10 meter field.

 2 teams

5+ players.

everyonemust walk.

running is turnover.

have lineouts.

to start ball inmiddle of field just toss up like jump ball or toss on groundfor ruck.

 good to use when getting dark and dont have enough lightto toss ball around.

i guess you could do this in a gym on mats. maybe everyone playing on their knees. there really isnt a scrumhalfor flyhalf exactly. you'll be rucking and mauling and the relatedtype ball handling 90% of time.

 play a full speed scrimmage with no scrums or lineouts.

anytime a stoppage in play start with team that normally gets posession taking ball into a maul.

good for working on open play and also good if you donot have enough for 2 full scrums.

or you can do this with 14 folks ideally.

8 on each team                                 

WITH SLED  Offensive:

 practice putin on hookers hand tap and continue with channel to backof scrum.

practice putin on impact(as soon as the opposing scrums come together)and channel back.

do say 15-20 of each.

practice the secondary drive.

do this both putiing in ball and withoutball. its good for both offensive and defensive use.

after do initialheave settle, have a packmember(probably tighthead) give a call like'ready ready...heave'. on heave everyone start pushing and each person in pack count out loud 1..2..3..4..5 then settle again.

this should help get the group in sync and all pushing and stepping at same time.

 so you do initail heave, then settle, ready ready heave count to 5, settle again, heave and count to 5 again, settle then heave andcount to 5 one more time. take a short break then do it some more.


you need your sled, and preferably 4 tackling dummies.

set up thetackling dummies where the flyhalf and inside center would be on eachside of scrum.

like if opposition had 2 flyhalfs 2 inside centers.

set as per usual. on cadence have scrum come in and heave but they areon defense. on 'ball out' call the wingforwards sprint out and tacklethe dummy in the flyhalf position and the #8 takes off to alternating sides and tackles the dummy at the center position.

the tight 5 runsaround the sled and comes back to set position to scrum again.

the looseforwards after they tackle hustle back to their scrummingposition.

another drill is something i prefer our pack does but you may feeldifferent. we do the aformententioned drill in essence with a couplemodifications. you only use one side of dummies. on the ball outcall the strong side wingforward goes after the flyhalf. if you have a dummy set the ball on top of the dummy at start of drill.

when the tackles the dummy the ball goes to ground immmediately the locks and #8 are there to ruck over ball in meantime the rest of your packis getting there and they pick up ball from the ground and do a series of quick passes rolling mauls off hip stuff etc for about  15 yards.

its important that the pack be on opposite side of ball than their own backs.otherwise they will get in way in a game and you wont havethe option of going out to your backline.

have them do the same going tothe weak side of the scrum. run back to sled and do it again.

10-20times whatever seems appropiate. you want to go from defense to offenseas quick as possible.  if you dont have dummies just have someone stand there and drop ball to ground when looseforward gets there.


you need 18 players.

2 full packs and 2 scrumhalves.

play a game.

before you do this you should have some loose forward/scrumhalftype offensive moves set up off back of scrum.

spend a few practicesputting maybe3-4 in.

then when you got some base of scrum plays play this game. play on a half size field. half width/length.

always full lineouts using scrum like plays.

i dont like full lineouts a lot but within your own 22 and within 10 meters of scroing you need to do full lineouts.

 you could play without wingforwards if ya really short on players.

start with kickoff whole deal for game. only its a pure scrum game.  

Tackling Drills


as you encounter runner bend slightly at knees and with some forcehit runner on his thihg closest to you with your head BEHIND his thigh.

at same moment rap your arms around legs approx at knees and pull thelegs together and you straighten your legs.

then you go back with the runner but she falls beside you not on you.


 line of say 3 defenders approx 10 yards apart one directly behindother. defenders are on knees.

offensive player carries ball down one side of defenders, say left shoulder of each defender,going close enough for the defender to tackle.

a line of ball carriersdoing this repeatedly until every tackler tackles say 10 tackleson one side. then have them do same to other shoulder.

then put some new tacklers out there and repeat.

same drill as above but defenders are standing up.

small 10x10 field. play a game where offense is on feet, defense is onknees. offense can only WALK.

defense may need 1-2 extra players.

so say 2 offensive players and 3 defensive.

offensive players CANT STOP they must walk toward goal line.

no walking backwards that sort of thing. 

1-1 or 2-2 drill. say 5x5 or 10x10 field.

offense tries to score.

defender(s) try to stop them. as soon as tackle made ballcarrier can hop up and keep running.

if defender tackles them 2times without them scoring then drill over. defender(s) win.

20 second drill. 1-1.

as clock runs ball carrier tries to evadegetting tackled to ground.

every escape counts a point.a tackle counts a point for defender. maybe go over stiff arm and spinand tackling technique before this.

you running anywhere insay 7x7 square.

not trying to score just trying to tackle andavoid tackle.

unopposed doing rucks and mauls for set pieces 

3-3 or 4-4 mini rugby.

20 x 20 field. lineouts(1 person), rugby leaguelikeway of starting at normally a scrummage point. kickoof, wholedeal. good conditioner, fun, develops rucking maulingskills in open field, works on ballhandling.

ideally defense gets about 3 meters form line of scrimmage. in other words back of heels of a smallruck.

rugby/soccer game.

  2 teams on field proportional to numberof players. i keep most drills field size to 5-7 yards width per # ofplayers on each team.

so 5 players means field ~25 meters wide. this provides roughly the lane size you supposedly work within in a game.

 you score by grubbing a ball over the try line and a member of yourteam that was BEHIND YOU when you kicked the ball runs in a touches theball down for a score.

you pass ball back and forth ala soccer butwhoever you pass it to must be behind you when you kick it if youadvance ball up field.

a variation would be to allow the only way to transfer a ball to ateamate is a pop or grub kick. she can pick it up and run it but has topop or grub to a teamate.

have one defender at goal line and one ball runner.

runner takes ballinto defender and then one to two more players on offense come in andbind and drive into endzone and touch ball down. also could have ballon ground just outside of endzone.

players form 2 person ruck andoffenive help comes in drives ball in and reaches down to touch it down.explain that this is only time 'hands in ruck' allowed.


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  Copyright © 2007 Rugbycoachning /RR

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 13:17

1)     Player props up against goal post/scrummaging machine.

(2)     Place 4 yellow markers (2ft x 1ft rectangle) where the LH prop’s shoulders would be.

(3)     Place 2 red markers where channel 1 would be i.e between Flanker & LHS 2nd row.

(4)     Place 2 white markers where LHS 2nd rows feet would be i.e channel 2.

(5)     Place 2 blue markers where RHS Locks feet would be i.e channel 3.

hooking diagram

(6)     A ball is placed in the rectangle & the Hooker must strike the ball through the designated channel (10 balls; 4 to Ch. 1; 3 to Ch. 3) assess correct /good strikes out of each channel.

Key Factors:

  • Good flexibility
  • Sweep with back of heel rather than jab.


  • Balls are fed into the rectangle on the Hookers signal – count successful strikes.


Minimum of 1 or 2 players.

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  Copyright © 2007 Rugbycoachning /RR

Av ricardo rodriguez - 3 januari 2008 13:14

DrillOn a signal SH passes to OH who distributes to target i.e post, coach, player holding rucking shield etc. OH then realigns and gives signal for next pass (run backwards).

Receiving and distributing a pass

Key Factors:

  • Hands out towards incoming ball – take it early.
  • Target preferably waist high.
  • “Soft” hands, fingers spread.
  • Keep ball on the inside until ready to pass.
  • Sight target, sweep pass across body – maintain line of run for 1m after passing ball.


  • Overload              
  • - Move target further away 2m – 3m – 4m – 5m until a slip pass is attained (8m – 10m).
  • Move further from SH. 6m – 8m – 10m – 12m.


SH, OH + (post or coach/player).


10 balls passed, count number which hit target and how mush time it took. Standardise SH pass to 6m, but vary OH’s pass depending on assessment (5m-8m).

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